Terms of Use

1. Copyrights
The copyrights and other rights for individual information (logos, trademarks, text, photos, images, illustrations, etc.) contained in the Iwasaki website belong to Iwasaki, the author of the original content, or other copyright holders. Furthermore, the entire site is subject to copyright as an edited work, and as such, is protected by the Copyright Act. Accordingly, the use, reproduction, or modification of the content of this site without the express permission of Iwasaki is prohibited.
2. Site content
The content of this site has been created, and is managed with extreme care, but is not in any way guaranteed. Iwasaki, therefore, accepts no responsibility in the unlikely event of any damage being incurred due to the use of this content.
3. Links
The site layout, conditions of use, URLs, or content, etc. may be changed or removed without prior notice. Furthermore, the running of this site may be suspended or stopped without prior notice.
4. Disclosure of Personal Information
Personal information disclosed voluntarily by customers on electronic bulletin boards, etc. on this site may be gathered and used by other users. Iwasaki accepts no responsibility for any damage incurred as a result of such use.
5. Recommended Environment

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