Founded as harness processing factory in Izu, Tsukidate-cho, Kurihara-gun, Miyagi Prefecture.
July 1985
Completed new plant in Jumonji, Horiguchi, Shiwahime-cho, Kurihara-gun, Miyagi Prefecture.
Registered as limited company.
September 1986
Expanded plant.
April 1987
Began Kurikoma Plant operations.
October 1989
Expanded Headquarters Plant warehouse.
April 1991
Re-established company as Iwasaki Communication Industry.
June 1993
Completed new Kurikoma Plant company building.
June 1993
Expanded Kurikoma Plant.
October 1999
Opened Tokyo Sales Office.
December 2004
Obtained ISO 9001:2000 certification.
October 2006
Relocated Tokyo Sales Office, opened Kanto Office.
May 2008
Obtained UL certification for UL designated products.
January 2011
Relocated Kanto Office to Nakahara-ku, Kawasaki-shi, Kanagawa Prefecture.
August 2017
Built new (relocated) Headquarters Plant in 57 Horiguchi, Shiwahime-Minami, Kurihara-shi, Miyagi Prefecture, completed (relocated) new company building.
October 2022
Relocated Kanto Office to 1-10-9 Kitashinagawa, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo.