
Iwasaki leverages its technology and quality to consistently provide our customers with the safe and reliable products they demand. We always stand in the customer’s shoes in an effort to deliver faster, more accurate, and more advanced processing technology.


“Gratitude in the face of difficulties”

“Gratitude in the face of difficulties” means that it is precisely because we seek happiness that hardship offers the perfect opportunity to obtain it.
And because difficulties also instill in us a sense of appreciation, it is important to be appreciative when we receive from others.
As we walk through life, we all experience happiness and hardship to varying degrees, but it is these essential experiences which help us to feel the significance of a life.
It is the joys and sorrows we experience throughout our lives that help us to grow as human beings.
The same is true of our work. When faced with difficult problems, as individuals, we feel that we have been given an opportunity to improve our technology, and should be grateful for the chance these problems give us.


01Revolutionary new business style

“Providing mass-produced products to meet customer standards” This has always been the way of thinking, and is the general principle in the processing business.
We live in a world where it has become common practice to shift to manufacturing that places emphasis solely on the low-cost advantages of producing overseas when faced with problems of cost during mass production or at the trial production stage, and this can often lead to issues with quality, as well as personnel and technological issues.
At Iwasaki, through cost reductions achieved through manufacturing line design, and with improvements to processing methods, we strive tirelessly to provide customers not only with excellent cost performance, but also with the high-quality service we excel in by working closely with customers from the design stage.

02Providing customers with a more effective business

Japan’s manufacturing technology is still ahead of other countries in terms of quality.
However, high labor costs, and the availability and price of materials have meant that the shift to overseas production in order to drive down costs continues unabated.
Even in the face of this shift to overseas production, Iwasaki serves as a global hub for providing the kinds of parts requiring core technologies that can be difficult to source overseas. We do this by leveraging our core precision, high-quality technologies in applicable fields to produce the necessary products in only the necessary volumes, and exactly when they are required at customer’s overseas bases from our factories in Japan.

03Convenience to the customer

From supply, to manufacturing and delivery, through a consistently tight network capable of meeting the demands of our customers, Iwasaki aims to be a company that offers convenience to customers by constantly anticipating new needs in order to meet customer requests both quickly, and at low cost.

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